Banco de Questões do Prepara Vestibular

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  • I tend the mobile now
    like an injured bird

    We text, text, text
    our significant words.

    I re-read your first,
    ydour second, your third,

    Look for your small xx,
    feeling absurd.

    The codes we send
    arrive with a broken chord.

    I try to picture your hands,
    their image is blurred.

    Nothing my thumbs press
    will ever be heard. 

    DUFFY, C. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 out 2021

    Nesse poema, o eu lírico evidencia um sentimento de

  • Two hundred years ago, Jane Austen lived in a world where single men boasted vast estates; single ladies were expected to speak several languages, sing and play the piano. In both cases, it was, of course, advantageous if you looked good too. So, how much has — or hasn't — changed? Dating apps opaquely outline the demands of today's relationship market; users ruminate long and hard over their choice of pictures and what they write in their biographies to hook in potential lovers, and that's just your own profile. What do you look for in a future partner's profile — potential signifiers of a popular personality, a good job, a nice car? These apps are a poignant reminder of the often classist atitudes we still adopt, as well as the financial and aesthetic expectations we demand from potential partners.

    GALER,S. Disponível em:, Acesso em: 8 dez. 2047 (adaptado)

    O texto aborda relações interpessoais com o objetivo de

  • SIPRESS. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jun. 2018.

    A presença de “at odds with” na fala da personagem do cartum revela o(a)

  • We are now a nation obsessed with the cult of celebrity. Celebrities have replaced the classic notion of the hero. But instead of being respected for talent, courage or intelligence, it is money, style and image the deciding factors in what commands respect. Image is everything. Their image is painstakingly constructed by a multitude of different image consultants to carve out the most profitable celebrity they can. Then society is right behind them, believing in everything that celebrity believes in. Companies know that people will buy a product if a celebrity has it too. It is as if the person buying the product feels that they now have some kind of connection with the celebrity and that some of their perceived happiness will now be passed onto the consumer. 80 to look at it one way, the cult of celebrity is really nothing more than a sophisticated marketing scheme. Celebrities though cannot be blamed for all negative aspects of society. In reality society is to blame. We are the people who seemed to have lost the ability to think for ourselves. I suppose it’s easier to be told what to think, rather than challenging what we are told. The reason we are swamped by celebrity is because there is a demand for it.

    Disponível em:
    Acesso em: 7 dez. 2017 (adaptado).

    O texto, que aborda questões referentes ao tema do culto à celebridade, tem o objetivo de

  • A Mother in a Refugee Camp

    No Madonna and Child could touch
    Her tenderness for a son
    She soon would have to forget...
    The air was heavy with odors of diarrhea,
    Of unwashed children with washed-out ribs
    And dried-up bottoms waddling in labored steps
    Behind blown-empty bellies. Other mothers there
    Had long ceased to care, but not this one:
    She held a ghost-smile between her teeth,
    and in her eyes the memory
    Of a mother's pride... She had bathed him
    And rubbed him down with bare palms.
    She took from their bundle of possessions
    A broken comb and combed
    The rust-colored hair left on his skull
    And then — humming in her eyes — began carefully
    [to part it.
    In their former life this was perhaps
    A little daily act of no consequence
    Before his breakfast and school; now she did it
    Like putting flowers on a tiny grave.

    ACHEBE. C Collected Poems New York Anchof Books. 20W

    O escritor nigeriano Chinua Achebe traz uma reflexão sobre a situação dos refugiados em um cenário pós-guerra civil em seu país. Essa reflexão é construída no poema por meio da representação de uma mãe, explorando a(s)

Como funciona nosso banco de questões?

O nosso banco de questões é um grande banco de dados onde estão armazenados um conjunto de questões previamente selecionadas das provas dos vestibulares mais populares, uma poderosa ferramenta para você se aprofundar em um tema específico e ganhar tempo. Com o auxílio do nosso banco de questões o aluno pode ter disponível diversos exercícios com vários graus de dificuldade.

Como nossa plataforma é gamificada, todas nossas questões compartilham vários elementos de gamificação, como

  • Pontuação: O valor de cada questão é computado pela performance geral dos usuários em nossa plataforma
  • Feedback: Te damos a resposta na hora! Através de nossa interface lúdica você rapidamente sabe quando acerta ou erro, e caso esteja disponível, a solução comentada também.

Nossas questões tem origem diretamente das provas públicas de vestibular, caso encontre alguma inconsistência (como por exemplo, o gabarito errado) entre em contato conosco.

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