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(Enem 2021 )


Back in the ancestral homeland of Michelle Obama, black women were rarely granted the honorific Miss or Mrs., but were addressed by their first name, or simply as “gal” or “auntie” or worse. This so openly demeaned them that many black women, long after they had left the South, refused to answer if called by their first name. A mother and father in 1970s Texas named their newborn “Miss” so that white people would have no choice but to address their daughter by that title. Black women were meant for the field or the kitchen, or for use as they saw fit. They were, by definition, not ladies. The very idea of a black woman as first lady of the land, well, that would have been unthinkable.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 dez. 2018 (adaptado).

A crítica do livro de memórias de Michelle Obama, ex-primeira-dama dos EUA, aborda a história das relações humanas na cidade natal da autora. Nesse contexto, o uso do vocábulo “unthinkable” ressalta que

(Enem 2021 )

Exterior: Between The Museums — Day


Americans always think Europe is perfect. But such beauty and history can be really oppressive. It reduces the individual to nothing. It just reminds you all the time you are just a little speck in a long history, where in América you feel like you could be making history. Thats why I like Los Angeles because it is so...




No, I was going to say “neutral”. Its like looking at a blank canvas. I think people go to places like Venice on their honeymoon to make sure they are not going to fight for the first two weeks of their marriage because they’l I be too busy looking around at all the beautiful things. Thats what people call a romantic place — somewhere where the prettiness will contain your primary violent instinct. A real good honeymoon spot would be like somewhere in New Jersey.

KRIZAN, K.; LINKLATER, R. Before Sunrise: screenplay.
New York: Vintage Books, 2005.

Considerando-se o olhar dos personagens, esse trecho do roteiro de um filme permite reconhecer que a avaliação sobre um lugar depende do(a)

(Enem 2020 )

A Mother in a Refugee Camp

No Madonna and Child could touch
Her tenderness for a son
She soon would have to forget...
The air was heavy with odors of diarrhea,
Of unwashed children with washed-out ribs
And dried-up bottoms waddling in labored steps
Behind blown-empty bellies. Other mothers there
Had long ceased to care, but not this one:
She held a ghost-smile between her teeth,
and in her eyes the memory
Of a mother's pride... She had bathed him
And rubbed him down with bare palms.
She took from their bundle of possessions
A broken comb and combed
The rust-colored hair left on his skull
And then — humming in her eyes — began carefully
[to part it.
In their former life this was perhaps
A little daily act of no consequence
Before his breakfast and school; now she did it
Like putting flowers on a tiny grave.

ACHEBE. C Collected Poems New York Anchof Books. 20W

O escritor nigeriano Chinua Achebe traz uma reflexão sobre a situação dos refugiados em um cenário pós-guerra civil em seu país. Essa reflexão é construída no poema por meio da representação de uma mãe, explorando a(s)

(Enem 2020 )

Disponível em www csuchico edu Acesso em 11 dez 2017

Nesse pôster de divulgação de uma campanha que aborda a diversidade e a inclusão, a interação dos elementos verbais e não verbais faz referência ao ato de

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